A bit about myself..

My name is Martin Nielsen, and for the past almost 9 years i have been living in Slovakia - Bratislava. This blog here "a Trip versus a Journal" is my attempt to try and share my feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts and anything else that might be on my mind ... - i hope you will enjoy it ... :-)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

...a keyword or two..

so i find myself lying on the ground on my belly, sharing my experience with one of my work-groups, we are having a great conversation about time management - and as i have had yoga this morning, i am ashamed to say this but feel a bit soar in my legs, so need to be careful how i sit - in the end lying is the best position for me, our teams seems to take great interest in it, in the beginning and then it seems that they are just adding that to the list of having taught me, over the last couple of weeks ..

(one of our teams - talking about time management..) 

So today the whole day is really focused on Susanna and i coaching the teams, and ensuring that they will be able to preform the trainings to their colleagues once we head home, and to be honest how it looks right now - i feel very safe that they will do a fantastic job .. today was also a day of making the teams realize just how far they have come in the last couple of days, the exercise is very simple, we ask them to tell us what new things they have learned in the last couple of days - and as i start to write, the list grows longer and longer and longer .. at one point i, myself have to step back to realize just how much we have managed to cover, i am amazed..

(a list of a couple of keywords the group has learned so far... - pretty impressive..)

you need to keep in mind that not all of our team members are from universities, colleges, business schools - actually very few of them (i would say maybe 4 or 5 of them), keep in mind that some of them although they might be mature women, just learned how to read and write in their late 30s, and started to really be independent some years back.. Keep that in mind and you would also be amazed by the work and effort they have put into the last period of time, oh and by the way - these women has help hundreds of other women to become financial sustainable, they have help thousands and thousands of street child of the streets, they have helped thousands and thousands of children out of their poor child labour conditions and gotten them back into school, they have set up numerous self-help groups in Chennai for women, men and children to help and support their local communities ... - so for that alone they deserve and get ALL of my respect and admiration!


  1. You are doing a fantastic thing here. I hope that I will be able to join the rest of the people this amazing industry some time soon.

    "There is no greater purpose than service to others."

  2. Hi Justina, Thanks for the comment - and you know what, i do actually believe that we are making a difference here in India for the people we are working with... A great feeling to know that you are able to help and support others ..
