So we arrive back to Chennai - it is around 17 local time, and so i need to buy a couple of things for next week, soft drinks, a bit of snacks for the evening, a bit of noodles just in case i come home late - so we are off to the shop, so 10 min from where we live, the shopping is done relatively fast, we find a short-cut on our way back. When we come back to the hotel we meet the rest of the group there, and there is the first surprise, it seems like the hotel staff wants to give us a bit of a taste for what is waiting for us on Wednesday for diwali - so there are fireworks...- it is really nice... and when i am just about to go inside, i see Rajesh turning a corner, on a motorbike, and i fast "imagine", i am off i go to see if i can get a ride, and here i have to mention, that i have never been on the back of a motorbike before, i have never ever been on the back of a motorbike without a helmet (well done Martin - did you leave your sanity in Slovakia ??), and i have never been on the back of a motorbike in INDIA - where traffic is insane!! So Rajesh sets of, and there we go, like a normal set of friends on a motorbike, in and out in traffic, accelerate, decelerate, left, right, we get honked at a lot of time - but we are still enjoying the "freedom" of sliding through the traffic, the wind is blowing in my face, and i really feel like a local, a local that is just having a good time, oh and it is actually rather fresh and better than this air-condition i have had the last couple of hours in the car.. - we come back to the hotel, i get to my room - and i recall the advertisement i saw about India some time ago... "incredible India" - and i can only agree with that - the ministry of tourism in India hit is spot-on with that slogan, India you are indeed incredible...
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