A bit about myself..

My name is Martin Nielsen, and for the past almost 9 years i have been living in Slovakia - Bratislava. This blog here "a Trip versus a Journal" is my attempt to try and share my feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts and anything else that might be on my mind ... - i hope you will enjoy it ... :-)

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

..Happy Diwali to everybody ...

... okay before you start to get worried about why i haven't posted anything today, it is for the simple reason - i was out sightseeing.. :-) So we went to see Saint Thomas Church, he was one of the few - if not the only apostle that actually left the Roman Empire to preach belief, it was throughout this journey he ended up in Chennai - and actually Chennai is one out of three official burial places for the apostles .. - and it is believe that underneath the church the body of Thomas the Apostle should be resting .. - interesting story .. After this visit we moved of to the beach, and by now it is hitting 35 - 37 on the scale - it is "ttooo hot", a bit of playing with water, sand (God i miss that feeling of having water and sand between my toes - is there anything better than that) - and the water was as well "ttooo hot" ... we then get back on the bus, off to a "shopping" street near the high court of Chennai, close by the harbour, so we get to walk a bit around here, talk and greet to the locals, see some fireworks and take a ton of pictures (will make sure to upload them later on) and by now it starts to rain, Mike and i ended up talking to this older man, that went to England to study and is now teaching here, we might go and meet with him later this week, he seemed t be very interested in what we are doing and what we might be able to learn from each other ... - no harm in talking i guess, and funny about how the conversation came around, Mike and i, were taking some photos, and people came up to shake hands and say "hi", and ask us where we are from, and so did this guy, he just came up, shook my hand, asked me where i am from, how long i am in india for, what i am doing, and suddenly we are talking about child labour, financial instability in india, economical changes, and it goes on and on and on .. walking back to the bus - it doesnt rain, it starts pouring down - and we enter the bus soaked from top till toe.. we take off and leave chennai behind, and we are off to see a "Croc Bank" .. actually it is a small crocodile farm, with around some 8 - 900 crocodiles (they might even have had more).. to be honest i have never seen a crocodile that up close and person - you can almost feel him / her / it ..the are anywhere from a 60 kg to 600 kg big - and to frank here, i am impressed - and a bit in awe.. Respect Mike "Crocodile" Dundee for your work ... after it being a bit sunny, it once again starts pouring down, and once again we enter the bus soaking wet .. - and we are about to head towards Chennai for a late lunch and then back to the hotel, the lunch gets served in a small restaurant near the highway - where the ratio of staff and guest comes out in favour of the staff .. - the lunch was good, and we are on our way back to chennai ... - and now if you will excuse me, i need to go and dress up its...... DIWALI time ... 


  1. dress up... oh yeah :)
    don't forget the pics then :)))

  2. haha... I would remind you, don't worry ;)

  3. ..somehow i knew you would say that .. haha, okay off to get ready ..

  4. I absolutely loves your blog! and now I am following it

    I saw it on your discussion on the google help forum and I even commented there! :)


  5. I just had a look at your blog as well - and you are right .. we dont take enough time for things that are important to us, the people that are important to us.. - i am signing up for you blog as well :-)
