A bit about myself..

My name is Martin Nielsen, and for the past almost 9 years i have been living in Slovakia - Bratislava. This blog here "a Trip versus a Journal" is my attempt to try and share my feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts and anything else that might be on my mind ... - i hope you will enjoy it ... :-)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Time is ticking ...

Ok, so finally I managed to get my act together to set up my new blog.. - look for a person like me, that is really anti-talented with blogging and tweeting, i think it is going pretty well...

So "a trip versus a journey" what is that all about - well to be honest i have had the idea to set up my blog for some time now, and as life sometimes has a funny way of getting the best of you, it got me .. so here is what happened; sometime ago i got selected to go for a 4 week assignment to India for the company i work for, and needless to say i am very exited about that (even without knowing what i would be doing there..) - so our facilitators and colleagues and friends has been encouraging us to start a blog and share as much as possible with our broader community ... - and i personally think it is a great idea :-))

Now why did i call it "a trip versus a journey"? well once i found out that i would go to India, i have been thinking and reflecting a great deal about what will change once i come back to my "normal" work-day, and although i have lived in and is living in a foreign country this time around i truly believe it will have a great impact on my life going forward.. - so as i starting thinking about how i would and will change, i also considered the simple fact that although this trip i will go on is limited for 4 weeks only - it will most likely force me to start a new lifelong journey into discovering a "new me" - hence the name "a trip versus a journey"..

So if you have read the above so far i take it that you will take those extra 30 sec. to read below, please note that everything written on this blog is reflections of what i think and feel, it is in no aspect or matter a statement of what the company i work for feels or believes. So having said that, i hope you will continue to read on and follow me and join my journey, as i continue to learn new things about myself, see a different community, meet new people and friends...and above all try to make sense out of all the different "dots" in my life ..

...my friends / family and colleagues - till next time, stay yourself


  1. Hey m8, great kick of to the blog.. Wo said you are not the blogging, twitter type ;) I will keep my eye on this then to see how you get on. That said God Speed and good luck do keepus posted!

  2. El capitan!!!

    So let's have a small HINDI lesson:
    yes= haa
    no = nehii
    what's your name? = naam kyaa karaa?
    my names is Martin= Martin naam he meraa.
    thanks = shukria

    Martin enjoy your time in India!!!

  3. Very good start - Keep them coming. Enjoy your time in India - from here to there and back
