A bit about myself..

My name is Martin Nielsen, and for the past almost 9 years i have been living in Slovakia - Bratislava. This blog here "a Trip versus a Journal" is my attempt to try and share my feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts and anything else that might be on my mind ... - i hope you will enjoy it ... :-)

Saturday, 15 October 2011

...Up in the air - Vienna - Brussels - Chennai

After roughtly 2 hours of sleep, i left Bratislava at 4.30, the taxi driver was an older gentleman, that was full of energy, and we managed to cover the finanical crisis, the "no" from the Slovak government to the euro funds, what has changed in slovakia over the pass decade.. all in all a wonderful start to what will be a long day..After a fast check in (the beauty of flying that early in the morning is that people are still just waking up) i moved to the gate area, a fast pit-stop at a book store (needed to get my English magazins - as i am not being paid for advertisement, i wont tell you which ones they are .. :-) and i am set to go. Flight from vienna to Brussels seemingly is on time, which is a surprise knowing my luck, so now a 1 hour and 25 min flight (by the way for those of you that have never been to Brussels - i can highly recommend it) and let me jsut share with you what i see, i see our my window, the sun rising, as we wait for take off, and then as we move up, up and furhter up - i see a a slight level of clouds and then clear blue sky - oh what a sight, i wish you could all see this - what a wonderful view, i am almost getting emotional, not traveling for a long time, i almost forgot what it looked like (for those of you that are frequent flyers - you know what i am talking about) it truly is a wonder, below i see lakes curving, small cities, green areas and it makes me realize the obvious our planet is amazing..

Okay so this is what my day will be looking like, i will arrive to Brussels at around 8:10 or so, then a small break and then 10.50 i will get on airbus to India - Chennai, and this flight should take some 9 - 10 hours...great right, well listen to this, a couple of days before leaving - we were wishing each other (i am going to meet 11 other colleagues of mine in Chennai), and it turns out that one of my colleagues will be flying out of Brussels on the same flight as me - so i will meet up with him, and i am sure that we will have a lot of things to discuss and share with each other on this flight, but isnt it funny how things are so connected, how we are so connect, and even more - what a small world this is...So to tell the truth i am excited, as i mentioned already i managed to get only a couple of hours sleep last night, i was like a small child before Christmas - Chennai here i come :-))

sitting in my seat - looking out the window, just now really realizing that i am going off for a 4 week assignment in India, it stricks me, how lucky i have been, and how lucky i am, imagine this "average Joe" moving to Slovakia some 9 years ago - is sitting on a flight to India to do an assignment working with their local communities, not in my wildest fantazy would i have dreamt of this ... i have to admit that i owe this moment to a very special person, for motivating me to apply for the CSC program, so without doing any name dropping - THANK YOU, you know who you are ... - thank you for inspiring me to make one of the best decisions in my professional career and follow a dream of mine to go to India - this moment i share with you - you made me do this ... and for that your remain special to me ...

So friends and colleagues allow me to enjoy this moment - i will lean back, enjoy the view, read a bit... but most of all think of the assignment that is in front of me .. oh i still didnt tell you what i am going to do in Chennai, well read on and you will find out ... till then - up in the air - and off i go ...

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